Sunday, March 18, 2007

Signs of spring

I was really hoping to take Bryn out for her first outing this weekend but snow that fell on Friday discouraged me. It has been bright and sunny since then but still a bit cold and I'm choosing to stay inside. I was happily watching some crocus emerging in the front garden but then they were covered over with snow again. SIGH. Today they're poking up again.

Yesterday on the way home from the gym I was feeling a little glum about spring and a certain impatience for the warm weather to come so I bought myself a bunch of tulips. So pretty. They've opened up nicely.

This week's training round up is less impressive than last week's but such is life.

Training round up:

Cardio: 85 minutes
Yoga: 90 minutes
Watching the St. Patrick's day parade: too long & chilly but silly fun!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Emily says she knows spring is coming because she can hear the birdies chirping when she wakes up in the mornings.

What are you going to call your Fit? (Life with Fit: Musings on Gas Prices...)
