Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Halfway - Thank You!

I'm halfway to my fundraising goal of $2000. Hearty thanks and appreciation to everyone who has sponsored me thus far. Tonight I came home and found an envelope in the mailbox for Bryn and me with a donation inside (it was very exciting!)

Tonight I was at one of the Bike Rally's excellent seminars. I learnt about basic bike maintenance at Velotique. Saul was an excellent teacher and I had quite a few "oh" and "ah" moments. I now know how to properly use my tire levers and am convinced not to try changing a tire with a Popsicle stick again. To put in a wee plug for Velotique, even before encountering them in the bike rally context, I've always found them to be very helpful and friendly. Their shop is a place where I have to exercise a great deal of self control. Ahhh the gadgets!

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